UF Health – Psychology Specialties
Who we are
UF Health Psychology Specialties practice provides general mental health services for adjustment and life transition issues (e.g., divorce, family discord) as well as treatment in specialty areas such as anxiety, depression, childhood behavior problems to name just a few. Serving both adults and children. We are a non-profit practice that serves as a supervised training facility for advanced Ph.D.-level graduate student clinicians, Psychology Interns, and Post-Doctoral Associates. Every trainee is supervised by a licensed psychologist, and all of our patients receive the benefits of a licensed psychologist’s supervisory expertise and oversight.
- Serving both adults and children.
- Outpatient and Inpatient hospital services.
- Our therapists provide services with and/or under the supervision of licensed, UF faculty, psychologists in the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, in the College of Public Health and Health Professions.
- UF Health – Psychology Specialties practice is designed to provide high-quality services to patients and to gain information that will contribute to the further understanding and treatment of other individuals who experience similar concerns.
How can our psychologists help?
Our practicing psychologists use an assortment of evidence-based treatments to help people improve their lives. Most commonly, they use therapy (often referred to as psychotherapy or talk therapy). There are many different styles of therapy, but our psychologist will choose the type that best addresses the person’s problem and best fits the patient’s characteristics and preferences.
For some conditions, therapy and medication are a treatment combination that works best. For people who benefit from medication, psychologists work with primary care physicians, pediatricians, and psychiatrists on their overall treatment.