2022 Graduate Students

Graduate Students 2022Please welcome our outstanding new cohort of 11 new incoming doctoral trainees!

Three (3) already have a Masters degree (or are expecting to receive one prior to arrival).  There are four (4) trainees each in Child and Health areas, and three (3) trainees in Neuro.




Front Row (L-R) Area Mentor Prior institutions
Laura Jones Neuro Williamson BS (Psy, 2019), University of Florida
Mariah Ravet Child Gabrielli MA (Psy Sci, 2022), University of Minnesota Duluth; BA (Psy, 2017), Cornell College IA
Miriam Sheynblum Health Pearl BA (Psy, 2020), Touro College NY
Hailey Inverso Child Janicke BA (Psy, 2020), University of Maryland
Kara Eversole Neuro Tanner MA (Psy Sciences, 2022), James Madison University VA; BS (Bio, 2015), Denison University OH
Back Row (L-R) Area Mentor Prior institutions
Kelsey Barrett Health Ross BA (Bio, 2021); BS (Psy, 2021), University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Dakota Leget Health Pearl MA (Psy Sci, 2022), University of Minnesota Duluth; BA (Health/Human Physio, 2017), University of Iowa
Jiyoung (Sarah) Kim Child Gabrielli BA (Psy, 2021) University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Samantha Penhale Neuro Williamson BA (Molecular / Cellular / Developmental Bio, 2019), University of Colorado at Boulder
Christian McLaren Health Anton BS (Applied Physio/Kines, 2020), University of Florida
Kylie Hill Child Fedele BS (Community Health Sci, 2019), University of Nevada Reno