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Kara Eversole Receives Top Clinical Trial Research Award

Kara Eversole, a clinical neuropsychology Ph.D. student in the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, presented “Unique Contribution of Brain Age Gap in Demographically Adjusted Neuropsychological Test Performance,” at the International Neuropsychological Society meeting on February 14-17 in New York City. Eversole also presented, “Longitudinal Analysis of Risk…

Welcome CHP’s 2022-23 Intern Class!!

CHP’s 2022-2023 intern cohorts are already off to a great start! Pictured left are Front Row (l-r): Mary Jane Campbell, Kassandra Garnere, Lauren Moss, Megan Dann, Taylor McMillan, and Amy Halpin. Back Row (l-r): Ari Feinstein, Xiao Yang, Tanesha Johnson, Amanda Wisinger, Samuel Brotkin, Connor Burrows, and Tarek Hijazi. With…

2022 CHP Pinning Ceremony

On Wednesday, May 25, 2022, CHP faculty and graduate students gathered in the HPNP Reception Hall to honor Andrea Mejia, Brad Taylor, Catherine Dion, Cheshire Hardcastle, Erin Ferguson, Erin Moorman, and Francesca Lopez with the traditional CHP send-off to new internships across the country.   Mentors and mentees shared accomplishments,…

CHP Celebrates Three Student Poster Awards

CHP Celebrates Three Student Poster Awards at Recent National Conferences! Congratulations to: Andrea Brockmann, M.A. for, “Associations between change in motives for consuming palatable foods and weight change during a behavioral weight loss program.” Outstanding 3-Minute Trainee Flash Talk in the Obesity and Eating Disorders (OED) Special Interest…

Graduate Student Appreciation Lunch 2022

As a small “Thank You” to our awesome Graduate Students, CHP hosted an appreciation lunch on April 1, 2022. From the Chair, David Janicke, “It was great to see so many of you at the graduate student appreciation luncheon today.  Thank you to the graduate students, and all our awesome…

Dr. Jeff Boissoneault receives Early Career Investigator Award

Congratulations to CHP’s Jeff Boissoneault, Ph.D., one of two recipients of this year’s Research Society on Alcoholism Early Career Investigator Award! This award is given to individuals who have demonstrated themselves to be a motivated thinker and a leader at a young stage in their academic career. The…

Dr. David Fedele receives Faculty Doctoral Mentoring Award

CHP’s David Fedele, Ph.D., ABPP, is one of only 5 recipients of the Faculty Doctoral Mentoring Award from the University of Florida Graduate School. This award recognizes excellence, innovation, and effectiveness in mentoring doctoral students at the University of Flori…

Taylor Swanson selected to represent SCP

Taylor N. Swanson, B.A., was recently selected to be the next campus representative of the Society of Clinical Psychology (SCP; Division 12) of the American Psychological Society. The mission of SCP is to represent the field of Clinical Psychology through encouragement and support of the integration of clinical…

GPU Hackathon helps accelerate brain research

In January 2022, CHP’s researchers Dr. Adam Woods and Dr. Aprinda Indahlastari  participated in Georgia Tech’s GPU Hackathon seeking to optimize computational brain science applications, while teaming up with UF’s Artificial Intelligence Initiative partners at NVIDIA and OpenACC. “During the hackathon, the UF-NVIDIA team worked…

Jeremy Grant Awarded Research Grant from Florida Department of Health

Congratulations to Intern Jeremy Grant! Jeremy Grant, M.Sc., M.A., was awarded $100,000 research grant from the Florida Department of Health’s Ed and Ethel Moore Alzheimer’s Disease Research Program that will partially fund a postdoctoral fellowship in clinical neuropsychology at UF. The title of the research project is “Novel…