
All Posts by

Michael Marsiske

See http://marsiskelab.phhp.ufl.edu

Bowling for Quality of Life

Up-to-the minute statistics and color commentary from the 2017 Clinical and Health Psychology Quality of Life Bowling Tournament

Scott and Thompson win poster award

Bonnie Scott (L) and Sable Thompson (R) Bonnie Scott, doctoral student in CHP, and her undergraduate assistant placed third in the "Outstanding Poster Competition" of the University of Florida 12th Annual Conference of the Social Sciences.  

Fedele wins CTSI pilot grant

Faculty member David Fedele's application to the Translational Pilot Program of the University of Florida's Clinical and Translational Research Institute has been funded.

Working with the LBG population

Psychosocial Considerations of Working with the LBG Population (Friday Colloquium, April 21 2017, 12 pm, Communicore C1-4)