
All Posts by

Michael Marsiske

See http://marsiskelab.phhp.ufl.edu

Student leadership from CHP doctoral student

Aviva Ariel-Donges, M.S., was recently selected to be the next Chair of the Student Advisory Council of the Society for Health Psychology The Society for Health Psychology (SfHP; Division 38) of the American Psychological Society. SfHP has as its goals: to advance contributions of psychology as a discipline to the understanding of health and…

Fedele, Price, and Woods graduate from Mentor Academy

Launched in 2013, the CTSI Mentor Academy has produced more than 50 Master Mentors from nine colleges throughout the University of Florida.The academy’s four-month Master Mentor Program offers biweekly sessions on topics relevant to successful mentor-mentee interactions.

CHP Faculty Members Receive UF Term Professorships

On June 16, over 100 faculty and staff joined Dr. Perri at the PHHP college-wide meeting to honor the 2016 and 2017 recipients of the UF Term Professorships. Congratulations to these individuals who have been recognized by the university for their outstanding scholarly achievements.