All Posts by

Brenda Krames

Administrative Support II

Drs. Cohen and Porges Featured in UFHealth’s Newsroom

CHP’s Ronald Cohen and Eric Porges are highlighted in a recent post by UFHealth’s Newsroom. Thanks to a project grant from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, UF researchers will evaluate three promising interventions aimed at improving cognitive function among people with HIV who consume hazardous…

Jeremy Grant Awarded Research Grant from Florida Department of Health

Congratulations to Intern Jeremy Grant! Jeremy Grant, M.Sc., M.A., was awarded $100,000 research grant from the Florida Department of Health’s Ed and Ethel Moore Alzheimer’s Disease Research Program that will partially fund a postdoctoral fellowship in clinical neuropsychology at UF. The title of the research project is “Novel…

CHP’s Alzheimer Research Spotlighted in Explore Magazine

In the December 2021 edition of Explore, Michelle Koiden Jaffe highlights CHP faculty members and researchers in it’s article titled, “CSI:Alzheimer’s, Dozen’s of UF researchers are investigating Alzheimer’s from multiple directions”.   Superager features the work of Drs. Glenn Smith and Steve Anton, co-principal investigators of the…

Dr. David Fedele: Recipient of 2021 PHHP Graduate Mentor of the Year Award

Congratulations to Dr. David Fedele who is one of two recipients of the 2021 College of Public Health and Health Professions Graduate Mentor of the Year Award. David joined the University of Florida in 2013 and was promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure in 2019.  During his time at…

2021 FALL CHP QOL Kickball Tournament

Over 50 players, officials and fans came out for the second ever CHP Kickball event.  This is becoming the hottest ticket in town as we had 3 teams compete.  We had perfect weather and lots of laughs punctuated by random athletic plays and strategy consistent with the high GREs…

Acts of Service: Child-Area Students & Faculty Partner with Keep Alachua County Beautiful

Child area faculty and students from CHP coordinated with Keep Alachua County Beautiful to clean up litter at the Palm Point Nature Park at Newnans Lake as part of an area-wide service day. This event was part of a larger initiative by the department to be actively engaged in Gainesville and the surrounding community through acts of service. The area plans to continue regularly engaging in group community service activities on at least a semesterly basis. We are looking forward to more events in the near future.