Dr. Dawn Bowers Welcomed to APA Fellows Committee

Dawn Bowers Headshot 2023Congratulations to Dawn Bowers, Ph.D., ABPP-CN who has been tapped to serve on the overall American Psychological Association (APA) Fellows Committee!

The goal of the APA Fellows Committee is to review nominations for APA Fellow Status from each of APA’s 54 divisions and report their recommendations on each case to the APA Board of Directors and Council of Representatives.

Serving on this committee is considered a high honor and demonstrates great respect for Dr. Bower’s work and professionalism in the neuro-rehab area. The position will be effective at the start of 2024 with monthly conference calls, and attendance at the annual APA Annual Convention, including the Division Fellows Chair Workshop and Fellows Pinning Ceremony.

Best wishes on this new adventure Dr. Bowers, we know that you will serve the committee well.