Residency Complete! PostDocs take their Next Steps.

2022 Outgoing PostdoocsPostdocs

Congratulations to our 2022 outgoing postdocs!

On Friday, July 29, 2022, the outgoing CHP Postdocs, area faculty members and staff gathered in the HPNP Reception Hall to show appreciation for a job well done. Now that they’ve completed the postdoc residency program, exciting futures lie ahead for this talented group.

We wish you great success!

Pictured are:

Front row (L-R) Erin Trifilio, Olivia Suddarth, and Caitlin Coyer

Second row (L-R) Ryan James, Nicole Norheim,  and Babetta Mathai.

Not pictured, Stacey Alvarez-Alvarado.


Event photos:

Alvarez-AlvaradoTrifilio receiving certificateSuddarth receiving certificateNorheim receiving certificateMathai receiving certificateJames receiving certificateCoyer receiving certificate

Child Area fun with PropsHealth Area fun with PropsPostdocs on stairs with photo props

Attendees of the event 1Attendees of the event 2Attendees of the event 3

Table decorGator CupcakesCenterpiece