Colloquium Series: Adherence and Self-Management in Pediatric Epilepsy: From Theory to Intervention

Clinical and Health Psychology Colloquium Series

September 6, 2019; 10-11am
HPNP G-103

Presented by Avani Modi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Director for the Center for Treatment Adherence and Self-Management
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC)

Approximately 60% of youth with epilepsy demonstrate nonadherence to their antiseizure medication. Using the Pediatric Self-Management Model, several individual, family, and healthcare system factors have been identified as potential targets for adherence promotion interventions. These factors have been targeted in new interventions for youth with epilepsy, with some success. This talk will focus on discussing a theoretical model of pediatric adherence, optimal measures of adherence to antiseizure drugs, identification of adherence predictors and behavioral interventions to improve adherence in pediatric epilepsy.


Lunch will be served starting at 11:45 am