The department is proud to present our newest graduates. Our CHP trainees were conferred the Ph.D. degree at the August 10, 2018 Doctoral Degree Commencement. The Ph.D. is the culmination of years of painstaking work and dedication on the part of our students and their mentors.
Larry Edwin Burrell II
Dissertation: The Association of Adolescent Perceived Peer Condom Use Norms and Sexual Health among Adult Men
Chair: N. Ennis
Co-Chair: M. E. Robinson
Edwin Charles Crew
Dissertation: Microlongitudinal Assessment of Non-Motor Disturbances in Parkinson’s Disease: Influence of Sleep on Pain, Mood, and Cognition
Chair: M. E. Robinson
Allysson D. Diggins
Dissertation: Understanding Physical Activity Behavior among Black Female College Students: An Exploration of the Theory of Planned Behavior and PEN-3 Model
Chair: N. Ennis
Kendra Noelle Daiss Krietsch
Dissertation: Impact of Sleep Timing on Dietary Intake and Physical Activity among Youth: An Experimental Single-Subject Sleep Manipulation
Chair: D. Janicke
Jacob Adrian Lafo
Dissertation: Emotion Perception and Reactivity in Essential Tremor
Chair: D. Bowers
Casey Riley Lawless
Dissertation: The Impact of Sleep in Children with Cystic Fibrosis
Chair: D. Fedele
Co-Chair: D. Janicke
Paul Chandra Mangal
Dissertation: ReVitalize Cognition: A Proof of Concept Study using Transcranial and Intranasal Near-Infrared Light Therapy in Older Adults
Chair: D. Bowers
Talia R. Seider
Dissertation: Seeing Brain: An fMRI Study of Age-Related Changes in Visual Perception and Discrimination
Chair: V. M. Dotson
Co-chair: R. A. Cohen
Sarah E. Stromberg
Dissertation: The Impact of Pre-Surgical Dietary and Psychosocial Factors on Post-Surgical Percent Excess Weight Loss in a Population of Bariatric Surgery Patients
Chair: D. Janicke
Sarah M. Szymkowicz
Dissertation: Age-related Mechanisms of Emotion Anticipation and Perception
Chair: V. M. Dotson
Co-Chair: D. Bowers