Cannabis Use: Health Effects and Medicinal Benefits

Adverse Health Effects and Medicinal Benefits of

Cannabis Use

(Friday Colloquium, June 09 2017, 12:00 pm, HPNP G-101)

University of Florida Department of Clinical & Health Psychology Intern Research Series

When and Where: (Friday Colloquium, June 09 2017, 12:00 pm, HPNP G-101)

Title: Adverse Health Effects and Medicinal Benefits of Cannabis Use

SpeakersJessica Megan Ross M.S. and Heshan Fernando, M.S.

Summary: The talk will provide information about current cannabis use laws in the United States as well as outcomes associated with the changes in the legalization status of cannabis across different states. Furthermore, the talk will address how cannabis use influences psychosocial outcomes, mental health, physical health, and neurocognition among youth and adults. Finally, the presentation will cover recent research surrounding the medicinal benefits of cannabis.



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