Dr. David Janicke received American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP) certification in Child and Adolescent Psychology.
The department of Clinical and Health Psychology congratulates Dr. Janicke on his achievement of ABPP certification. This further affirms Dr. Janicke’s leadership and standing as a national leader in his specialty.
The American Board of Professional Psychology (American Board of Professional Psychology (abpp.org)) has as its mission: “to increase consumer protection through the examination and certification of psychologists who demonstrate competence in approved specialty areas in professional psychology.” Founded in 1947 as the American Board of Examiners in Professional Psychology, ABPP works closely with the American Psychological Association but is completely independent fiscally and professionally. The ABPP board certification process includes credentials review, peer-reviewed practice samples and an oral examination conducted by board certified psychologists. Some ABPP boards also require a written examination.
The American Board of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (ABCCAP) is a member board of the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP). Board Certification by ABCCAP, is intended to certify that the successful candidate has completed the educational, training and experience requirements of the specialty, including an examination designed to assess the competencies required to provide quality services in the specialty of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. The primary objective of the ABCCAP Board Certification process is to recognize, certify, and promote competence in the specialty.
Dr. Janicke’s profile may be viewed at http://chp.phhp.ufl.edu/people/core-faculty/david-janicke-phd/. Dr. Janicke has broad research interests in pediatric psychology, most notably improving self-management to, and coping with, acute and chronic health conditions. Dr. Janicke’s main area of interest is translational research intended to promote the dissemination of obesity interventions for individuals in community settings, with a primary focus on children.