Each year the Society of Pediatric Psychology (Division 54 of the American Psychological Association) awards a select number of competitive travel grants to graduate students based on the merit of their submitted research to be presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference. This year, CHP grants received 3 of the 9 competitive travel grant awards.
Kendra Krietsch (far right in picture), a third year student mentored by Dr. Dave Janicke, won a $750 travel award to present her research on “Parent-Report Trajectories of Child Quality-of-Life Across a Behavioral Weight Loss Intervention.” Casey Lawless (center in picture), a third year student mentored by Dr. David Fedele, won a $750 travel award to present her research on “Asthma in Rural and Non-Rural Youth.” Jenny Warnick (far left in picture), a first year student mentored by Dr. Dave Janicke, won a $500 travel award to present her research on “Unhealthy Family Functioning and Parental Perceptions of Child Feeding.” The Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference will be held on April 14th – 16th in Atlanta, GA.