CHP faculty member chairs APA presidential initiative “Interprofessional Education for Integrated Primary Care.”
Ronald H. Rozensky, Ph.D., ABPP [CL, CHP], Professor in the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, has been selected by the American Psychological Association’s 2016 President, Susan McDaniel, PhD, ABPP, to chair her presidential initiative “Interprofessional Education for Integrated Primary Care.” The focus of this initiative will be to bring together scholars who carry out research in, and provide graduate level education preparing students to learn and work in primary care settings. The goal is to review exemplar programs and publish a review and examples of curricula and syllabi that provide quality education in preparation for interprofessional, primary psychological practice. This is the fourth Presidential Initiative in which Dr. Rozensky has been involved and third that he has chaired. The other initiatives have resulted in two text books (Health Psychology Through the Life Span and Psychology Builds a Healthy World) and an article focused on maximizing early career success in the career pipeline for psychological scientists, scientist-practitioners, and practitioners.