CHP Student Wins Travel Award to Annual International OCD Foundation Conference


Congratulations to Andrew Guzick for winning a $1,000 travel award to the Annual Conference of the International Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Foundation.  In the words of his award letter:

“I wanted to congratulate you on your outstanding poster submission to our Annual OCD Conference entitled: “In vivo exposure therapy use among providers who treat youth with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder,” and to inform you that your poster was chosen as one of our Research Poster Travel Award winners this year. The International OCD Foundation (IOCDF) is committed to supporting excellence in research on OCD and related disorders.”


Mr. Guzick’s work was directly mentored by Dr. Joseph McNamara (currently Assistant Professor in the Division of Medical Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, and a current graduate faculty member/former intern in the department of Clinical and Health Psychology), as part of the Medical Psychology laboratory in Psychiatry, directed by Dr. Gary R. Geffken. Dr. Geffken is currently Associate Professor and Director of Medical Psychology Psychiatry. He is a Ph.D. graduate and current graduate faculty member in the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology.


Mr. Guzick carries on a tradition of excellence; this is the third year that a member of the lab has won this prestigious award.