2014 Fall Symposium a Successful Day for Students, Faculty

The 2014 Annual Fall Graduate Student Research Symposium was held on November 7, 2014.  During the symposium, the 2013 graduate cohort presented the results of their First Year Projects to a full audience of faculty, fellow students, and guests.  These projects will become the students’ M.S. theses, to be formally written and defended in Spring 2015. The list of projects and student presenters is as follows:

Aviva Ariel (Mentor:  Michael Perri, Ph.D., ABPP).  Craving Treatment:  Binge Eating in Obses Adults Seeking a Behavioral Weight Management Intervention.

Earl (Chuck) Crew (Mentor: Christina McCrae, Ph.D.).  Insomnia Symptoms and Working Memory Performance in Cardiac Patients with Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators (ICDs) and Heart-Healthy Controls:  What is the Role of Night-to-Night Variability?

Molly McLaren (Mentor: Vonetta Dotson, Ph.D.). The relationship between symptom dimensions of depression and structural brain changes in older adults.

Casey Lawless (Mentor: David Fedele, Ph.D.).Sleep Hygiene in Youth with Asthma.

Allyson Diggins (Mentor: Nicole Whitehead, Ph.D.).Physical Activity in Black Breast Cancer Survivors: Implications for Mood and Quality of Life. 

Larry Burrell II (Mentor: Nicole Whitehead, Ph.D.). The Association between Cannabis, Anger and Gender among Underserved HIV+ African-American Adults 50 and older.

Vaughn Bryant (Mentor: Nicole Whitehead, Ph.D. Ronald Cohen, Ph.D.)Depression and apathy among people living with HIV: implications for treatment of HIV Associated Neurocognitive Disorders.

Kendra  Krietsch(Mentor: Christina McCare, Ph.D., David Janicke, Ph.D.). Temporal Relationships between Sleep and Physical Activity in Overweight/Obese Youth.

Sarah Stromberg (Mentor: David Janicke, Ph.D.). Mother to Child Calories Served at a Mealtime Related to Maternal BMI and Perception of Hunger.

Breton  Asken (Mentor: Russell M. Bauer, Ph.D., ABPP). Relationship Between Cognitive Abilities at Baseline and Time-to-Clearance Following Sport-Related Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.

Molly Sullan (Mentor: Russell Bauer, Ph.D. ABPP). The Locus Coeruleus and Sleep-Wake Disturbances in Veterans with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI).

Loren Hizel(Mentor:Catherine Price, Ph.D., ABPP). Organizational and Neuroanatomical Contribution to the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure in Non-demented Older Adults with Parkinson’s Disease.

Elizabeth Kacel (Mentor: Deidre Pereira, Ph.D.). Associations among impact of negative life events, depressed mood, and anxiety in women undergoing surgery for suspected endometrial cancer.

The Symposium was capped by the announcement of the annual Student and Faculty awards, which recognize outstanding achievement in activities most relevant to our clinical, research, and academic missions.  (See award winners and photos below.)

After the presentations and awards, a reception was held in the HPNP atrium for faculty, students and staff.

Dr. Deidra Pereira coordinated this event. Dr. Russell Bauer served as emcee.


 Student Awards:

Health Psychology Research Award for Excellence in Health Psychology Research: Alicia Roth (pictured here with Dr. Deidra Pereira)

Alicia Roth-Health Psychology Award

Nathan W. Perry Scientist-Practitioner Memorial Scholarship for Excellence in Integrating Science and Practice: Alicia Roth (pictured here with Dr. Russell Bauer)

Alicia Roth-Perry Award

Jenny Sivinski Memorial Award for Excellence in Community Service: Allyson Diggins (pictured here with Dr. Brenda Wiens)

Allyson Diggins-Sivinski Award

Department of Clinical and Health Psychology Student Research Award for Excellence in Clinical Psychology Research: Jacob Jones (pictured here with Dr. Russell Bauer)

Jacob Jones-CHP Award

Geoffrey Clark-Ryan Memorial Award for Excellence in Pediatric Psychology Research: Julia Carmody

Julia Carmody0Clark Ryan Award

Robert and Phyllis Levitt Neuropsychology Award for Excellence in Clinical Neuropsychology Research: Kelsey Thomas (pictured here with Dr. William Perlstein)

Kelsey Thomas-Levitt award

Eileen Fennell Graduate Student Teaching Award for Excellence in Teaching: Samantha Minski (pictured here with Dr. Russell Bauer)

Samantha Minksi-Fennell

Florence Shafer Memorial Award for Excellence in Psychotherapeutic Counseling: Rachel Postupack (pictured here with Dr. Russell Bauer)

Rachel Potsupack-Shafer Award

Faculty Awards:

Audrey Schumacher Award for Excellence in Teaching Clinical Psychology: Dr. Dawn Bowers

Dawn Bower-Schumacher Award

Research Mentorship Award for Excellence in Research Mentoring: Dr. Dawn Bowers

Dr. Dawn Bowers-Mentosrhip Award

Hugh C. Davis Award for Excellence in Clinical Supervision: Dr. Julius Gylys

Dr. Julius Gylys-Davis Award


Students gather together with faculty and staff to enjoy a catered reception.

OGMP Vistitprs-Jason Anderson, Melissa Schultz, Kristina Lee Tatum, Zaver MooreReception 1Reception 2Reception 3Reception 4Reception 5Reception 6Reception 7Reception

The quality of the research reported by our rising M.S. students was very impressive!!  Congratulations to all of our outstanding student presenters and award winners!!