Congratulations to Dr. Rozensky, recipient of the 2014 Nathan Perry, Jr. Career Service to Health Psychology Award from the American Psychological Association’s Division of Health Psychology. The award is for “significant contributions for the advancement of health psychology as a field, nationally or internationally” and will be presented at the APA Annual Convention this coming August. This award is named for Dr. Nathan Perry, a past chair of the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology at the University of Florida; a longtime advocate for, and national leader in health psychology.
Dr. Rozensky has published five textbooks on health psychology along with many articles on health psychology and health policy. He was appointed by the Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services to an advisory committee on interprofessional healthcare education and when chair the committee wrote a report to Congress on the importance of including health behavior in the training of all healthcare professionals.
He is the founding editor of the Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings and his work has been recognized with the APA Award for Distinguished Career Contributions to Education and Training in Psychology, the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP) Award for Distinguished Service and Contributions to Professional Psychology, APA Board of Educational Affairs Education Advocacy Distinguished Service Award, APA’s Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions to Institutional Practice, The Joseph D. Matarazzo Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology in Academic Health Centers presented by the Association of Psychologists in Academic Health Centers, Outstanding International Psychologist, APA’s Division of International Psychology, Distinguished Educator presented by The Association of Medical School Psychologists, , APA’s Karl F. Heiser Presidential Award for Advocacy on Behalf of Professional Psychology and most important — The Hugh C. Davis – Excellence in Clinical Supervision Award (x3) and Classroom Teacher of the Year both presented by the graduate students of the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, University of Florida.