Jacob Lafo, B.A., a second year graduate student in the neuropsychology track of the CHP doctoral program, had the unique opportunity to meet with Dr. Brenda Milner at the the Montreal Neurologic Institute to discuss the past, present, and future of neuropsychology. Dr. Milner is an internationally recognized pioneer in the fields of cognitive neuroscience/neuropsychology due to her contributions to the understanding of the neural basis of memory. This began over 50 years ago with her pioneering study of the patient H.M., who became profoundly amnesic following bilateral resection of the temporal lobes. At the age of 95, Dr. Milner continues to run an actively funded research laboratory.
As an undergraduate, Jacob was inspired by Dr. Milner’s pivotal work. He is mentored by Dr. Dawn Bowers and is currently studying the electrophysiological correlates of emotion regulation in Parkinson’s disease in the UF Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory.